Natasha Kirwan Coaching
More About Coaching

More About Coaching

Why have coaching?

Are you keen on a new direction – changing jobs, relocating or perhaps turning your hobby into a career?

Maybe you want to improve your health – lose weight, get fitter, reduce your stress levels or adapt to the menopause?

Perhaps you are going through a transition – having a baby; going back to work after a break; retiring and wondering how to fill your time? Or dealing with divorce; redundancy; facing an empty nest; or other disruption or loss?

Coaching can be a revelation: clients often discover hidden depths and talents, build their self-confidence and resilience, and realise just how much they are capable of.

How coaching works

For me, coaching is all about the three Cs – 

Curiousbeing open to exploring what motivates you, what the future might hold

Courageous – being willing to dig deep and take on challenges to reach your goals

Conscious – being self-aware and honest about what you want and how to get there

I offer focused and flexible coaching, tailored to your agenda.  I will support you to identify areas for growth (personal/professional), prioritise your options and build your motivation so you feel confident and empowered to move forward. There will be a strong emphasis on practical and realistic goal-setting, and on developing strategies that work for you now, and in the future. 

We will also explore what is most important to you – understand what motivates you and you can be the author of your own change.

First steps to transformational change

Stressful jobs and difficult choices, transitions, multiple roles at home and work, putting other people’s needs before our own – we all go through times when we feel we have lost our way and don’t know where to turn. Acknowledging how we feel and being open to making a change might seem impossible – but it really isn’t! I understand that periods of transition are challenging, even if you are keen to make a change. I offer a non-judgemental, safe space where you can explore what you really want and how to get there.

Don’t be afraid to take that first step – you are opening a door to hope and opportunity. You can do this!

Get in touch for a chat about how coaching could help. We can talk on a video call, by phone, or walk together in the beautiful countryside of the South Downs. I offer flexible times to suit busy lives.

For an informal chat or to book a free half-hour ‘discovery chat’ to find out if coaching could work for you – email

Photo credit: Frank McKenna (Unsplash)