Natasha Kirwan Coaching
What I offer

What I offer

My background

Before training as a coach, I worked in fundraising, communications and administration. I also spent four years in Barcelona teaching English to adults and teenagers and I have a Diploma in Counselling Skills.

We moved from London to Hampshire in 2010, and I love living in such a beautiful part of the world.

Who I work with

There is no such thing as a typical client. I work with people at almost any stage of life to help them understand what will make their lives better, to find the self-belief and motivation to embed new behaviours and habits into their lives, and to achieve their goals.

Coaching can be transformational for teenagers and young adults starting out and finding their direction, for people reassessing their priorities and purpose as they have children, change career, go through mid-life transitions or after retirement, for example.

It’s never too soon or too late to make conscious, positive, long-lasting change!

Coaching options

Online / Telephone Coaching

During Covid restrictions, my coaching moved to video calls. Now we have adjusted to this new way of talking to each other, feedback from clients suggests that this can be more convenient, easier to fit into a busy day and perhaps less intimidating than meeting face to face. Building the trust and rapport that is key to a good coach-client relationship may take longer, but people often feel more relaxed in their own environment.


For some clients, meeting in person is really important. I don’t currently work out of an office but, if you feel prefer to meet face-to-face, we can arrange sessions at my house or in a ‘neutral’ venue which suits you.

Walking & Talking

I love walking and running in the woods locally – I find time spent among nature can be very meditative and restore a sense of balance and perspective. Talking as we walk alongside through beautiful countryside can encourage free thinking – and often provides a full body work out too with all the hills round here!

Routes depend on the kind of walking you enjoy and sessions usually last around 75 minutes. Our unpredictable British weather can present extra challenges, but I am happy to walk in the rain if you are!

To find out more or to book a free half-hour ‘discovery chat’ about how coaching could benefit you, email me at


Relational Dynamics is an approach to leadership and life which draws on theories and tools from a wide and eclectic range of sources including person-centred coaching, psychology, emotional intelligence, NLP and contemporary research into leadership and modern day communications. 

Relational Dynamics

Photo credit: Dagmara Dombro – shells (Unsplash)